$AGII Utility Token

Smart-Contract Addresses: BEP20 0x328fD053C4BB968875aFD9aD0aF36Fcf4A0BddA9 ERC20 0x75d86078625d1E2F612de2627d34C7bc411C18b8

Initial Supported Chains: Ethereum, BSC

The $AGII token powers the AGII platform. All payments for AGII products and services are made using the AGII token. AGII supports secure crypto payment processing methods as well as traditional payment channels such as credit cards, debit cards. This ensures safe and reliable transactions for users and businesses alike and a broader access.

Initial Market Data

AGII Full Release Schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSiFXU7HA3lGhBS8Pk_fIX1hIyBDTqpfcU7gKjd30GuNroklj2OHe5x5g_iJHckfg/pubhtml?gid=1661216304&single=true

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